Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Showers, Flowers, and Sunshine

Springtime in Point Reyes is keeping the hills green. Beautiful weather followed by showers have kept the grounds lush and provided swells of wildflowers.  The peninsula is covered with colors as new flowers pop up daily. Checkerbloom, lupine, iris, poppies, blue eyed grass, and pussy ears color the green hillsides.

Walk out to Kehoe beach in a sea of mustard's brilliant yellow, or walk out to Chimney rock to a kaleidoscope rainbow of color dotting the path.  Gray whales are still being seen on their northward migration. A few lingering elephant seals are starting their molt.  Kayaking on Tomales Bay has been phenomenal, as the bay is teaming with wildlife. Harbor seals and their pups can be seen on Hog Island and swimming in the bay. Rafts of migratory waterfowl are foraging and resting, some here just for a break before continuing on, others stopping for the summer.

Plenty to see and do, the question right now is rain or shine? Bring your rain coat and your sunscreen and have a great time.Call us today to plan your next great adventure. Point Reyes Outdoors 415.663.8192

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